How's YOUR Core Foundation?

Let’s face it, life comes hard and fast and there’s little time to think about ourselves, right? But if we don’t, who will? CoreFoundation was designed with that in mind. Imagine pouring some extraordinary in, without even thinking about it. Just rip open a packet, down it with some water and out the door you go. CoreFoundation is focused on the areas that Father Time seems to go after first, your heart, your brain and your frame.

Welcome to Choose Extraordinary!

At ChooseExtraordinary, we believe that you are on your way to a great life. It is just a matter of choice. We also believe that you must take care of the vehicle that will get you there. After all, what good is it to put your blood, sweat and tears into creating an amazing life, only to have your body break down before you get to the finish line?

Our body is a high performance machine, like an Indy race car and it needs pit stops, tune-ups and and high-octane fuel to keep it performing at a high level. At the core of our machine is the heart, brain and frame. CoreFoundation was designed to provide a blend of fuel that supports that.

We believe that small incremental steps, performed every day will pay big dividends in the end. No matter what the day brings you, no matter the setbacks or success, keep pouring extraordinary in. Keep yourself in position to not only win the race, but enjoy the ride all the way past the finish line. Remember, you have a choice, so why not ChooseExtraordinary?!

Why Choose Extraordinary?

Simply put, because you can! What if it turned out to be true that you are not a victim of your heredity, that your DNA is not your destiny? Recent breakthroughs in the science of epigenetics are proving that you are not merely the product of your parent’s genes.

Did you know that you share over 99% of the same basic genes as your neighbor, your friend, your boss, your best friend? So what separates ordinary from Extraordinary? Choice!

Imagine taking just a few minutes each day and completely transforming your health. Just a few minutes each day can cause a change that can be felt, literally in a heartbeat.

And we’re not just talking about doing something that gives you those warm fuzzies inside for a few moments and then it’s back to the same old same old.

The science of genetics has lead us to believe that disease is largely due to the bad genes passed down to us by mom and dad. Yes, that’s another thing we can thank our parents for. You may have seen some of the headlines in the news about the latest gene discovered that causes heart attacks or strokes. The pharmaceutical industry is working feverishly to come up with the right drug to correct these defective genes. Then along comes this whole new world of epigenetic. Simply put, epigenetics is the study of those things that influence your genes.

There were a few big words in there so let’s simplify. Imagine that the next 100 people you meet had the genes linked to heart attacks. Based on this science of epigenetics, it is possible that none of them would ever have a heart attack and they would all live to the ripe old age of 102 and die of boredom.

Here’s the great secret. The gene is only one thing. Whether that gene expresses itself is everything! It’s called genetic expression and here are the things that determine which of your genes turn on and which ones don’t; the thoughts you think, the food you eat, the air you breathe, how you feel, your stress level, and your lifestyle. In other words, everything that you do, think, feel and experience in life help determine your genetic expression.

And what does that mean?

That means you can choose.

And if you can choose, why not Choose Extraordinary?!